Many items in Cartel Empire will add to one of the several different Cooldowns, which act as limits to using Items. This system is in place as it prevents players from being able to leave Hospital constantly during wars due to the Medical Cooldown, or from gaining infinite Energy via Alcohol due to the Booster Cooldown.
All Cooldowns have a given limit which reduces with time. There are currently no ways in-game to reduce any of the cooldowns other than waiting.
Cooldowns act as a hard stop once the Cooldown Limit has been reached, an example of which is the Booster cooldown which can be used up to 24 hours total, at which point no further Alcohol items may be used until the cooldown is below 24 hours.
The Medical Cooldown increases each time any Medical Item is used and has a limit of 12 hours, when the cooldown timer is above 12 hours, no more Medical Items may be used until the timer is below that limit.
The Medical Cooldown is displayed as one of the Status Icons shown at the top of the left-hand sidebar on desktop or below the navigation in the top bar on mobile. It appears as a small bandage icon which when hovered over on desktop or clicked on mobile displays a small popup indicating the current timer vs the total limit.
The Booster Cooldown increases each time any Alcohol Item is used and has a limit of 24 hours, when the cooldown timer is above 24 hours, no more Alcohol Items may be used until the timer is below that limit.
The Booster Cooldown is displayed as one of the Status Icons shown at the top of the left-hand sidebar on desktop or below the navigation in the top bar on mobile. It appears as a small thunderbolt icon which when hovered over on desktop or clicked on mobile displays a small popup indicating the current timer vs the total limit.
The Drug Cooldown increases each time any Drug Item is used and has a limit of 24 hours, when the cooldown timer is above 24 hours, no more Drug Items may be used until the timer is below that limit.
The Drug Cooldown is displayed as one of the Status Icons shown at the top of the left-hand sidebar on desktop or below the navigation in the top bar on mobile. It appears as a small pill icon which when hovered over on desktop or clicked on mobile displays a small popup indicating the current timer vs the total limit.